
If you want a series of images or require more specialized assistance from the artist, have flexible project requirements or a flexible budget, want the artist’s undivided attention for as long as it takes to fine-tune your project to perfection, or need to reserve some rights for the work the artists produces, hiring the artist as a freelancer/contractor is the way to go.

Estimated Rates

Hourly rate
Illustration $25
Comics illustration $30
Thumbnails $30
Penciling $30
Inking $20
Coloring $20
Lettering $30
Drawing revision/redlining* $20
Drawing instruction** $25
Digital image editing*** $30
Web design $20
Graphic design $20


*For study purposes, the artist will consult with student via Skype or Google hangout. Artist will also revise unsuitable drawings from a customer’s previous artist at this rate.

**If student requires protracted, focused drawing instruction, the artist can collaborate with the customer to design a curriculum and possible lower-cost pricing structure.

***Digital image editing here refers to color correction, elimination of photographic backgrounds, adding company watermarks, cropping, changing image size or resolution, and other similar tasks. If heavy creative input is required from the artist, examine instead the graphic design or drawing revision rates, which are considerably lower.

Contact the Artist

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